Internal Medicine

Concierge Medical Care

Shahab Ahmed, D.O.

Unhurried Care

The health and well-being of my patients is my number one goal. During my work as an in-patient physician, I very often realize there is a huge need to focus on primary care.

Primary care cannot be rushed. It takes time and genuine engagement to address primary care needs.

My goal is to provide unhurried care in this concierge internal medicine model.


In addition to the same day or next day in-office visits, we will provide care using phone, secure texting, and telehealth.

As I build up this practice, I will make every reasonable attempt to help patients.

With a limited number of patients, the goal of our office is to provide optimal primary care.


We will address acute medical needs whenever you need it. I am a strong believer in prevention to optimize your health whenever applicable.

My goal is to minimize risks to prevent life-changing disease occurrences such as heart attack, stroke.

Even for chronic conditions such as COPD, heart disease, and diabetes, we will work together and often in collaboration with your cardiologist, pulmonologist etc. to optimize medical conditions.